You can always email, call or visit- we welcome your questions and input.
Class Info Request
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Suncoast Yarns the same as Stash?
Kind of- We’re in the same location and we’re serving the same community, but the leadership team has changed.
Who is Suncoast Yarns?
We’re a diverse (really!) group of knittiers, crocheters and crafters dedicated to the fiber arts community in west central Florida.
Will you carry new & different lines?
Oh yes! We love EVERYTHING about the crafting process- from choosing a project and the materials to laying everything out all the way to completing the project. Some of us even enjoy weaving in the ends.
Can you special order yarns?
Of course. Let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll do our best to see it through.
Why does yarn like to tangle and knot itself?
It’s a great question. We like to think that a shawl is nothing but a very complicated and organized knot. That would make the tagles in our project bags “creative” knots.
Stay in Touch
3347 S West Shore Blvd, Tampa, FL 33629
(813) 300-1311